Campaigning to Save our Gas Lamps

Historic gas lamp streetlights are precious to many people in Westminster. They are a part of our heritage.

Cities of London & Westminster MP, Nickie Aiken, has led debates, spoken out in Parliament, and taken action to save them.

Have your say on fertility treatment

Nickie Aiken, Member of Parliament for the Cities of London & Westminster is proud to lead the Workplace Fertility Working Group, made up of an incredible group of fertility advocacy and campaign groups.

Nickie meets with the Home Secretary

Nickie Aiken, Member of Parliament for the Cities of London & Westminster, met with the Home Secretary to discuss crime and policing in the Two Cities and across London to raise your concerns.

Listening to St James’s Conservation Trust

Two Cities MP, Nickie Aiken was delighted to welcome Andrew Love, Virginia Chester and Peter Heath into Parliament to discuss all things St James’s. This included ensuring that e-bikes are parked responsibly to ensure that pavements remain usable and accessible to all.

Visit to St Mary's Bryanston Square School

Nickie always finds it a pleasure visiting local schools and speaking to our future generation leaders about what life is like working in Parliament.

Tackling anti-social behaviour

Engaging in matters affecting local people has been Nickie Aiken's priority since she was elected as Member of Parliament for the Cities of London & Westminster.

Perfecting the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill

As the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill progresses through Parliament, Cities of London & Westminster MP, Nickie Aiken, took the opportunity to meet with Housing Minister Lee Rowley MP to discuss the Bill and how it can be perfected to improve the lives of leaseholders in the Two Cities in