Friday was a ‘sitting Friday', a time when MPs have an opportunity to push forward Private Members’ Bills.
There were several debates on which Two Cities MP, Nickie Aiken, was pleased to speak on including Dame Maria Miller MP's Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Bill.
Prior to this Bill, the government has been unable to treat the CPA or the ICRC as an international organisation they are party to.
That is because neither of the two organisations is an intergovernmental organisation, but instead each has its unique constitutional arrangements, reflecting its specific international priorities. Therefore, this Bill means, once passed, the UK can treat these two organisations like dozens of countries around the world already do.
The second Private Members' Bill Nickie spoke on was the High Streets (Designation, Review and Improvement) Bill. This would require local authorities to designate high streets in their area, publish periodic reviews of their condition, and develop action plans. This piece of legislation recognises the importance of enhancing our high streets and as we are home to many fantastic high streets in the Two Cities, such as Oxford Street and Marylebone High Street, Nickie was more than happy to speak in favour.